Just in time for summer fun, grab our trendy beach trucker hat. You’ll look laid-back and fashionable as you stroll through the sand in our colorful “Beach Babe” hat and trendy . Whether you’re soaking up the sun, catching some waves, or rollerblading down the boardwalk, you’ll turn heads in this unique .
- created in the US
- embroidered with a classic curved bill
- distressed material
- adjustable tab with a mesh back
- 80% cotton and 20% polyester
- one size fits most
Beach Day Vibes
Our beach trucker hat is perfect for summer weather. It will keep you cool and shaded while adding to your outfit, whether it’s a swimsuit or shorts and a tee. It also keeps your hair out of your face while you play beach volleyball with your friends! Keep things casual with the neutral gray option, which allows the blue lettering to stand out. Or, embrace the beach-inspired teal option, and make your hat the centerpiece of your look. If you can’t decide, then just grab both designs – we’ll never tell!
Browse through our selection of and to find the stylish pieces that match your cute “Beach Babe” hat.
Even More Must-Haves
You’ve gotta have a beach trucker hat for those hot summer days, but don’t forget to bring the other beach day necessities to keep you comfortable. We’ve designed a variety of and to complete your look. Shop our accessories, and get your must-haves for your next adventure. Plus, save 15% when you sign up for our emails.